How To Use Drones To Create The Most Amazing Aerial Photographs
Here at Studio52, we’ve created dozens of amazing Aerial Videos and Photographs, and know ins and outs of taking perfect aerial shoots! Today, we’re here to help you learn what goes into creating the most amazing aerial photos using drones.
Getting Started
These days, drone companies are making it sound “all too easy”! It’s all just a matter of taking the drone out of the box and starting flying, right?Sure, but there’s a lot more going into aerial photography than meets the eye. First of all, if you’re a complete beginner, you should look to learn how to fly first, and do so in a limited space where you can be sure that you can do no damage if something goes wrong! Start flying your drone in an open space without too many distractions or obstacles, and practice getting around in the limited space and awareness of the surroundings from where you operate the machine.
And it’s not only just that!
Familiarize Yourself With The Rules
Secondly, we have the legality to sort out, and you should be familiar with the official rules and regulations that stand in the air and the ground where you operate your drone. Most countries have strict laws one should follow and most of them are concerning things like line of sight, maximum height, flying over private grounds and people, respect for privacy, etc. Make sure that you’re familiar with any specific regulations that apply in your area so as not to get in trouble with the law!
Tech Is Amazing…
And you really should be in touch with the recent trends. Inexperienced flyers may end up with equipment that’s two years old and still outdated! Technology is revolutionizing how we do areal photography each and every day. You can monitor your drones over an app on your phone, there are many camera controls you need to master, turning on mid-flight stability mode, etc.Imagine if you have to go through mastering all of these for your business! But let’s say that you have, so here are some of our top choice tips and tricks for amazing areal photography.
Also read – Aerial Drone Video And Photography for Residential Real Estate
Tips And Tricks
One thing we all appreciate is the amazing landscape we get to see from above! And drones will definitely allow you to go places even helicopters can’t. However, if you plan on taking some footage, there are some practical tips you need to hear!
Focal Point – A good focal point is critical for the story you want to get out of your aerial footage. The focal point will add magic effects to your end product. This doesn’t have to be anything huge or spectacular, and usually, a small body of water, a grove, or a tower will do!Camera – Without a good quality camera, we don’t have to even talk about great aerial photography! Without the right equipment, you won’t be able to shoot any proper footage. You can always save some money on a drone (although high-quality drones are quite expensive) but you should never save on proper video equipment. Mind The Weather – Another important factor of an awesome aerial photoshoot is the weather. If you’re a professional like us, you need to accommodate to this and often you haven’t the option but to use the best equipment available. But if you’re doing this for your own business or pleasure, some heavy weather planning should be done in order to get the best areal photographs.Use The Right Tools! – Drone safety is a big issue and you want to consider keeping your drone safe from harm when doing aerial photos. Propeller balancer and other technologies to stabilise your drone mid-flight are essential for a quality flying image — without these, your drone is more susceptible to tearing at a faster rate.
A lot more goes into quality drone photography than meets the eye. If you’re doing this out of a hobby or to start a business one day, we definitely wish you luck developing your skill.However, if you’re looking to get results right away for business or marketing purposes, then a lot can be saved by simply Hiring Aerial Photography Service like Studio52 to help you out and create the most amazing areal photographs and promotional videos!
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