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3 Social Video Types That Will Do It All For Any Business

There are three video types you can do and place on social media that will work any time! And entirely regardless of what kind of business you are. 

Here at Studio52, we’ve created a bunch of these for a range of clients, and they get shares and reactions at any time! 

Interested to see what they are? Let’s go right in!

1. Rapid Interviews

This is a video where you present yourself as a true expert of your niche! What you do is think about three burning questions that interest your audience the most, and then you let the expert answer them. Don’t forget to be completely specific with this, and aim for a specific topic, or audience segment as this can really show you know the matter and the relationship and audience trust is guaranteed. 

The process looks like this — think about the specific audience segment and get digging. What are some concerns that trouble them with regard to the product or the service you offer? Use everything you can to get to these questions — forums, and questionnaires are always a good place to start. 

Once you have your three or four questions, you can start shooting and publishing your video

Sample questions can look like this: 

  • What are common mistakes or things that the audience does wrong/ or doesn’t understand? 
  • Some quick tips that can help them resolve this? 
  • Do you have any predictions for the next time period or the future? 

2. Mini Workshop

Mini-workshop video is a video where you attack a specific pain point of your audience, and help them devise a strategy to solve this pain point! This is a uniquely creative and effective way of showing a helping hand and showing that you legitimately care for your audience — when done professionally this type of video will get the shares and will earn you an extra audience.

The best kind of workshop videos is done with the help of a whiteboard and a presenter. You need to choose a topic that can be quickly worked around and presented on a whiteboard, and a person that will be ideal to help them devise a tactic to get around their problem. 

An example can be a security company selling security cameras or gear! You then take a warehouse expert for example and devise and create a video in which they help create a warehousing security strategy in 6 simple steps. 

You can even stretch your workshop video strategy into a series of videos, that will leave your audience waiting for the next brilliant idea to help them out! 

3. Fun Holiday Videos

These types of videos show the human side of your business! What you need to do is to explore the holidays that are about to happen and then set a fun topic for your holiday video. For example “how do our pets help us with daily business?”. There’s something so adorable about seeing a serious manager and his cat looking at his screen while he’s working from home.  

The basic idea to develop this video goes something like this: Use a holiday calendar to see what’s the next big event, after which you’ll brainstorm fun and shareable ideas! Make sure that your audience will like the idea that you choose for your funny video, and then get everyone on board to participate!  


Your social videos should be more than just a commercial always offering stuff to your audience. Concentrate on giving, rather than on receiving when creating your social videos and this can return manifolds! Just be mindful of your videos to match the audience. 

If you need any help with the next big video idea for your social media, Studio52 is your one-stop to get it realized! 

Also Read: https://studio52.tv/blog/promo-video-why-you-should-make-one-the-key-elements-to-include/

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