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Why Health and Safety Animated Videos Are So Effective?

Workplace safety is of the utmost importance. If we look at the numbers, an estimated 2.3 million people have work-related accidents yearly! Frequent accidents can put a bad rap on your business and deter the new workforce from applying for your posts.

You should employ health and safety training that’s relevant to your workplace, and one of the best tools to help you out is safety animated videos. Here at Studio52, we’ve created plenty of such videos and today we are sharing why you should utilize them in your education program.

Complex Situations Have Never Been Easier To Show

Sometimes it isn’t easy to describe every possible accident or danger that lies hidden in your workplace. Animated videos allow you to visualize situations that live actors just can’t achieve — not without a great deal of money being spent.

If you’d like to show a machine malfunction, a fire emergency, or an explosion, all of these can be easily brought to life with animation without having to create expensive scenery. Animated videos have a unique advantage over live video production, plus the result can go live in a fraction of the time!

Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Having all of the essential information in an easily accessible video is great because employees can access it anywhere and anytime to remind themselves of the training they’ve had. As these videos are shorter than your pdf files, they can be shown on any device out there and even shared and distributed among the employees themselves.

Read more - https://studio52.tv/blog/why-health-and-safety-animated-videos-are-so-effective/

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