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How do I edit a normal video to a timelapse?

Time-lapse is the opposite of slow-motion video. Creating one might seem like a lot of work, but, luckily using time-lapse apps you can easily do it.

You can use Filmora, VLC Media Player, iMovie, Microsoft Hyperlapse Mobile, or any other software It doesn’t matter whether you are using a phone or working on a desktop to convert this video to time-lapse, the process remains the same. Every software would have a different name but the steps are basically the same. So, here you go.

Time-lapse is a technique that allows you to compress time. Simply put it converts days, months, and even years into a few-second video. For example, it takes days for the flowers to bloom but with a time-lapse video, you can watch the whole process in just a few seconds.

We all know that videos are actually made up of photos. The average frame rate per second of a video ranges from 24 fps to 60 fps, which means a 1-second video is made of 24 to 60 images. To convert a pre-recorded video into time-lapse, we will need to speed it up using the software.


1. Import the video using the app to add the video to the program

2. Once the video loads, it will show in the form of a timeline

3. Now look for a tool that lets you speed up the video, make sure that it’s more than 100 %

4. Depending upon the software you are using you can add in more effects

5. Save the video and you are done

6. Beginner’s Tip

7. Add a layer of music as speeding up the video will modulate the original sound

8. If you are planning to make a normal video and then speed it up to give a time-lapse effect, make sure that the video is more than 30 minutes.

Using the tools and tips mentioned above, you can create amazing time-lapse videos in just a few minutes. If you are looking for professional help in making a time-lapse video, you can always contact a professional firm.

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