Why Is New Employee Safety Training Orientation So Important?
Workplace safety is of great importance but it is often ignored or forgotten entirely. When a company puts the safety of its employees first, productivity increases. But, traditional approaches like fliers, lengthy videos, or presentations fail to engage the new employees. The result - the message of safety doesn’t get through. Employees either don’t get the information or they quickly forget it.
After having dispensed with the hiring process, the next obligatory step that every organization has to cope with is to impart security training to its new workers and educate them about their new place of work as well. Playing a video in this training period is never a bad idea since the new worker is bound to watch it with rapt concentration and consequently is more inclined to recall its contents after having taken their designated responsibilities.
Should you rely solely on senior staff members or a safety induction video?
It can be easy to get complacent and rely heavily on your senior staff members to know what they are doing, and to keep doing it. But what happens when those staff members, the only ones who know their department well, are set to retire?
How are you supposed to effectively train new staff members in the years to come, if that one person was the only staff member who knew everything there was to know about a particular area or machine?
Their experience and prior knowledge can help you make the best safety video you need for your new employees.
How to use safety induction videos during training orientation?
The best induction safety video is the one that clearly communicates minimum safety requirements and expectations to the visitors and employees of the company in the most effective and shortest duration. Company Studio 52 here in Dubai and the wider Middle East can help. The goal is to let the existing, experienced workforce translate their experience, knowledge, and history into a video that is easy to learn from.
How should you reinforce safety for older employees?
You might think that your older employees don't need the safety induction videos. But, sometimes even older employees could benefit from these videos especially at times when you are introducing new machines or changing the structure of the department. Such videos can also help reinforce the need for safety.
For training existing employees, you need to be more innovative. A recommendation in this respect will be to produce an intriguing video with the addition of a strong personal sense to it, so the audience has the ability to connect emotionally with the instruction.
Every organization fears the loss of revenue incurred by it in the event of an incident within its premises and for that reason invests heavily on safety training. Among the essential aspects of this training entails showing safety videos that concentrate on safe housekeeping, fire prevention, accident prevention and directions for personal protection so the workers are aware of the mishaps that may take place and the manner by which they can curb the situation before it gets out of control.
Safety in Oil & Gas Industry
With oil and gas being the core elements of Dubai, UAE’s economy, safety is of utmost importance. One wrong move can lead to serious injuries or even death.
Even though oil and gas training in Dubai and surrounding areas are being followed by providing several handbooks, hands-on experiences, and qualifications. Training is a huge part of the industry. But with technological advances, it’s time to add a new element – workplace safety videos.
If you are concerned about creating a culture of safety in your organization, Studio 52 can help you with workplace safety training videos, construction safety training videos, or any other training videos you need. Our videos will drill the message of safety in the subconscious of employees and sharpen their agility as well as the presence of mind. For more information on safety training videos, you can get in touch with us at +971-4-454-1054
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