How to reinforce your safety policy with content
For that stronger impression, you need something more impactful than a handbook of safety protocols. Showing a safety video on the other hand would be a much better idea to drive the message home. Let’s go through some of the different ways you can use content to make sure your safety policy gets the attention it requires.
Develop a content strategy
No one wants to get hurt intentionally in an accident, but you have to be aware of the dangers around you to avoid it. Use of wrong equipment, forgetting the safety instructions explained in the manual, there could be many reasons for a work mishap. Also, don’t forget we are living in the age of goldfish attention span, which means you have got only eight seconds to make a connection with your audience to keep them seated.
If you want your employees to sit or read through the whole safety policy, you have to develop the content in such a way that it grabs the attention effortlessly. The right content will leverage combined stimuli and repeated exposure to make sure your employees remember their safety training. Let’s go over the different ways you can reinforce your company safety policies:
These are the great place to mix visual stimuli with detailed information. Here is where you want to be detailed about your safety protocols. Don’t forget to include pictures and graphics to break text, that will serve to retain the attention of your employees.
Depending on the complexity of your safety protocols, you might want to have a separate pamphlet about the proper usage and maintenance of your personal protective equipment (PPE).
Sign Boards
Most industries have requirements regarding the proper usage of signs. But, you should consider taking this a little further. Employees, like all humans, can be distracted at times. A bad night of sleep, problems at home, there are many reasons employees could go to work with something else in their mind. A clear sign in an opportune place could prevent a distracted employee from skipping safety precautions.
Executive Speech
Leverage the innate respect of your higher-ranking employees to drive your safety message forward. You can give the speech yourself or have another high-ranking executive do it. This won’t be just another exposure, it will deserve more attention thanks to its source.
Safety Induction Videos
Last but not the least, make extensive use of safety training videos. The best content for such videos comes from the experienced employees of your company. Make use of their extensive knowledge and personal experiences with dangers faced at the workplace to weave a compelling script.
You should include all the content you can in your safety campaigns. The more exposure your protocols get, the easier it will be for your employees to remember them. It’s important that your content is engaging, boredom is the biggest threat to attention.
So, that’s how a mix of all these mediums mentioned above can help you drive the safety message home. Get in touch with us if you are looking for a health and safety induction video production house in UAE.
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