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What is the difference between streaming and video?

 In simple words, video is a digital recording of events while streaming is viewing the video content without actually downloading them to your device. Now, if you want to delve a little deeper, there’s a lot more to video and streaming.

What is a video?

Video is basically a content format, and it can be present in any form such as vlogs, GIFs, webinars, presentations, movies, testimonials, animations and so much more. These can be used for personal, entertainment, and business purposes. Be it for personal use or business, videos are the most popular form of content today.

Video is very powerful. If you post an interesting video it goes viral within seconds. If you are the creator of the video you can watch it any time, share with anyone and even spruce it up.

What is streaming?

Just like social networking sites are a way to share your videos, similarly, streaming is also a way to share your video content with the audience. However, it involves a more complex process and it’s more of a delivery method.

Not just a video, but a podcast, game, or music can also be streamed. With streaming you are watching in real-time, so you need an active internet connection. The quality of the playback is also hugely dependent on how good is your Internet connection. For example, with slow internet, you would notice a lot of buffering, stutters, and your playback would never be smooth.

With recent technological advancements, streaming is now one of the best ways to connect to the audience. Popular apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, YouTube are an example of this. Brands are also using live streaming to connect with their audience. Here are some more examples where streaming is being used extensively:

  • Educational videos
  • Camera surveillance systems
  • Webinars
  • Customer/Fans interactions
  • Construction project monitor system

So, that’s all about the difference between video and streaming.

Know more about video and their type visit - Corporate Video Production UAE

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