Top 6 Reasons to Make Corporate Videos
The objective of all businesses is to create a major impact on as many potential clients as possible. Nowadays, we are really immersed in the era of images and videos, making a corporate video a very powerful tool. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine a video! It’s a really simple and direct way to deliver a message, way more than just an image or empty slogan. The most important mission is to project the best image for your business, especially since more than one hundred thousand people watch videos online every day. So if you want to be a part of this era and this wonderful tool, look no further, this article is for you.
We at Studio 52 know that first impressions really count. Having a corporate video as a cover letter is a great option and the best platform for your business. So without further ado, here are 6 great reasons to make a corporate video:-
01. Transparency
By showing yourself to the client not only do you gain their trust, but you increase it by transmitting closeness and transparency to your public. The more the client sees you, the more he or she will feel comfortable.
02. Impact
Video as a tool has a great advantage by itself: it’s capable of causing visual impact. Said impact can even be caused in just one second for it to be remembered. Clients need for brands to catch their attention in a different and impactful way.
With the images found on the video, you can say a thousand things about your company that would not be possible by text. Through images and sound, the corporate video can transmit and even awaken emotions.
Video can enhance the level of comprehension of what the brands want to say. Sometimes, you can understand things better in a visual manner. This is why publicity concepts are applied to project the image you want for your business, by doing all this you make things completely clear.
If your business website has a video, the rebound percentage of users decreases. It happens because you’ve caught the client’s curiosity and interest. In the process, the clients want to see and know more about the brand.
06. Uniqueness
How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? With a corporate video, you can highlight and communicate your singularity, your strong points, and those values that distinguish you from other businesses.
Plenty of reasons, right? We, at Studio 52, can help you even more in making high quality and professional corporate videos. It all depends on your profile and the requirements for your brand. Remember that vision and creativity can take your business pretty far. Always look forward to taking creativity to the next level & make sure it’s relatable with your potential clients. They are the key to your business’ success, after all. With this tool, you will get the trust of said clients to the brand. They will be more willing to go to your website to contact or to buy.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and make the best corporate video possible for your brand!
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