Did you know 88% of callers would stay on the line if on hold messages gave them product information?
Telephone on hold messages is the most effective solution to retain your customer in any situation. Whether it’s to inform, educate, request, entertain or even advertise; a bridge of good communication will keep the things on. Yet, a majority of businesses falter with their on hold messages. From poor music and bad audio or content, they often end up driving their customers away. And worse, they even don’t realize this huge loss of business!
Wonder why this matters? A study revealed 75% of customers, after experiencing a bad on-hold experience, abandon a call. They don’t call back, and instead, take their business to a competitor. Thus, the business loses a potentially loyal customer. This makes it essential to have a great on hold strategy for any business. With its telephone hold message service, Studio 52 ensures caller retention, satisfied customers, and much more for your business.
Here’s how Studio 52’s on hold messages with the perfect blend of professionalism and personal touch can help your bottom-line:-
01 Developing Brand Identity:- We, at Studio 52, understand the importance of building a brand identity by engaging the customers. We also understand that every brand is unique in its own way and thus, needs customized on hold messages. For instance, if you’re a hotel brand, your messages need to be different from that of a construction business. We offer you highly professional and appropriate on hold messages that inform and encourages your callers to know more about your business and stay on the line.
02 Promoting Other Products/Services:- On hold messages are a great way to let the callers know about your special offers and/or relevant products/services. If you’re a car rental company, we create messages focusing on special offers on larger vehicles, navigation systems, safety features etc. If you’re a hotel brand, our customized messages talk about special offers on premium suites or on group bookings etc. This way, our on hold messages inform our callers about additional products. For any business, such add-on sales give a big boost to the bottom-line.
03 Creating An Emotional Bond with The Callers by Highlighting Special Achievements:- Special achievements like supporting the community, organizing special events for kids, or the recent awards you’ve received heavily promote brand identity. They engage people better and support your cause. We understand this human psyche, and have crafted our on hold messages accordingly to build a strong emotional bond with your callers.
04 Appropriate Music on Hold:- We understand that appropriate music on hold can go a long way when it comes to caller retention. All our on hold messages feature professionally selected music that’s sure to keep the callers attention on the line.
05 No Silent Holds:- Silent holds mean being neglected, which leads to annoyance and finally, abandoning the call. Before creating on hold messages, we properly study the target customers of our clients based on their age, gender, lifestyle, and preferences etc to deliver the perfect result. That’s why our hold music for businesses ensures the caller stays on the line.
Before delivering the final pieces of on hold messages, we test everything in terms of our client’s guidelines. We understand that customized and targeted hold music for businesses boost sales, add-on customers and referrals. That’s why each of our on hold messages is carefully crafted to meet our clients’ unique needs.
Go ahead and call Studio 52 today to see how appropriate on hold messages can help drive your sales and revenue. If you’ve a system already in place but you’re not satisfied with the results, contact us and we’ll be happy to fix it.
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